Our Community
Palm Coast Elks #2709 have invested time, efforts, and support for our community for more than 35 years. We are focused on the betterment of our community in which we live by supporting and meeting the needs of our neighbors. Our dedication to community service is the driving force behind the success of our many programs. We’re proud to support the following causes and organizations.

Palm Coast Elks #2709 presented a $3000 check to Reverend Jose Panthaplamthottiyil of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. Monies will provide assistance to families in financial crisis by assisting with electric and water bills.

SEAS Outreach Food Bank
Palm Coast Elks #2709 partnered with the Outreach Program Center at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Palm Coast to purchase a variety of whole cases of nonperishable food for the food bank which goes further than individual purchases.
Flagler Sheriff's PAL
Palm Coast Elks #2709 has partnered with PAL; on December 15th, the Lodge presented a check for $1000 to PAL Director Arthur Erlandson. The donation will be used to sponsor registration for PAL programs for local children who otherwise would not be able to afford to participate.

Palm Coast Elks #2709 'Chain Gang'
Members or our Lodge have been involved with the Matanzas HS Football Athletic Dept. managing the signal poles on the sidelines for Pirates' games for 10 years.